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Considering Kotlin?

I recently ran across an article that does a great job of explaining the thought process when considering adoption of a new programming language.  The article explains why Kotlin was chosen and compares its value to other languages having more maturity. 

Often times, it can be a challenge to get buy-in for any new language or technology within an organization.  Most of the time, slow adoption and/or exploration is due to lack of interest in change or simply not wanting to incur risk through change.  However, in some cases, adoption of a new language can pay-off due to the features provided and improvements made over existing languages.  When a new language is applied and adopted properly, this can translate to more efficiency and higher quality business solutions for an organization.

In my opinion, Kotlin is worth the risk to start exploring and adopting.  Articles like the one below, along with illustrating benefits through proof-of-concepts, go a long way when convincing others to adopt Kotlin.  It's not just about the developers having a shiny new toy.  QA, technical leaders, managers, etc. also need to be included when describing the benefits.

What I didn't mention is that the adoption of Kotlin in this article wasn't used to build a simple application.  Kotlin was chosen for construction of an open source distributed ledger system named Corda

Corda - One Year of Kotlin

Until next time ...
